
The History of Inaplas Formation

1954 - The first downstream plastic industry, PT Pioneer (injection)

1977 - The first PVC resin factory, PT Statomer

1992 – 1993 - Development of intermediate industries: PP (Tripolyta), PE (Peni), PS (Dow)

1995 - Establishment of the upstream industry, PT Chandra Asri

2001 - Formation of the Indonesian Olefin, Aromatic & Plastic Industry Association (INAPLAS), a merger from the Federation


To realize a strong, sustainable, and highly capable olefin and plastic industry as a driver of Indonesia's economic growth.


  1. Conducive Business Environment
    Striving to create a conducive business climate so that the plastic industry can grow and be sustainable.

  2. Industry Acceleration
    Encouraging the acceleration of investment in upstream, midstream, and downstream petrochemical industries to meet domestic and export plastic needs.

  3. Opening Opportunities
    Ensuring the availability of competent and certified professional workers to meet the needs of the plastic industry.

  4. Business Advocacy
    Providing advocacy to members in addressing business obstacles related to government policies or regulations.